Civil War Navy—The Magazine welcomes manuscript submissions in the following subject areas for possible publication:
- Union and Confederate naval strategies
- Battles and campaigns on key rivers, ports, and oceans
- Joint naval and army actions
- Profiles and histories of Union and Confederate warships
- Weapons descriptions and histories
- Key officer and historic figure profiles and photos
- Coastal and river forts and defenses
- Historic photos of naval personnel and ships
- Artifact and shipwrecks restoration and preservation efforts & news
- Book reviews
Authors should preferably make initial inquiries with the Editors on manuscript topics to confirm that Civil War Navy—The Magazine has not recently published on the subject nor has an invited or confirmed planned contribution on the subject.
Manuscripts should be provided as single-sided, double-spaced Word manuscript files and should be approximately 2,500 to 3,500 text words (not including sources) in length. Exceptions may be made for longer manuscripts if the subject material warrants and approved by the Editors.
Sources (references) are not required but may be included at the author’s discretion. Sources may either be 1) listed alphabetically at the end of the manuscript or 2) numbered in sequence of use with superscripted numbers within the text and the numbered list at the end of the manuscript text. Authors may use the Endnote function in Word, but are requested not to use the Footnote function in Word nor Endnote proprietary software in the preparation of their submitted manuscript. Styling of the sources (references) should generally follow the Chicago Style Manual Guidelines:
Authors should provide high-quality photographs, illustrations, and/or maps with detailed captions citing appropriate sourcing and credits with the manuscript. We prefer text files and images be sent electronically via email. Electronic images should be 600-1200 dpi and should be in jpg, tiff, or psd formats; larger image files may be sent to the Editors via free file sharing services such as WeTransfer. The Editors can assist authors with identifying and sourcing photographs and illustrations and associated reproduction rights if required.
Authors should provide a brief biographical sketch to be used as an author attribution.
Full author contact information should be provided.
Submitted manuscripts and images are considered ready for publication, and may be edited and formatted by the Editors. Authors may be required revise the manuscript or address other Editor questions and suggested revisions. Civil War Navy—The Magazine cannot assume responsibility for unsolicited materials.
The Editors will carefully review and consider unsolicited manuscript submissions and reserve the right to reject publication.
Civil War Navy—The Magazine expects first-publication rights for submitted manuscripts and the right to run images and articles in whole or part on and social media.
Book Review Submission Requirements:
- First email the Editors to determine whether a specific book has been previously reviewed or another reviewer is already preparing a review on the specific book of interest.
- The review should be concise in analysis and limited to approximately 500 text words in length.
- The review should be submitted as a single-sided, double-spaced Word document file.
- The review should contain no more than 2 sentences describing your qualifications to be used for a reviewer attribution.
Send manuscript submission and images (or inquiries) to:
Gary McQuarrie, Managing Editor:
Charles Williams, Editor and Publisher:

Cushing’s daring and heroic raid leading to the destruction of the Albemarle was the cover story of Harper’s Weekly November 19, 1864 edition, making him a national celebrity at the young age of 21.