Introduction. From: Series I, Volume 1, Official Records of the Union and Confederate Navies in the War of the Rebellion, Series I, Volumes 1-27, and Series II, Volumes 1-3 (Washington: Government Printing Office, 1894-1922).

Union Vessel Logbooks (Deck Logs) Digitized on National Archives Website

Logbook Mortar Division, Western Flotilla

Union Vessel Muster Rolls Digitized on National Archives Website



Stephen F. Blanding. Recollections of A Sailor Boy, or the Cruise of the Gunboat Louisiana (Providence, RI: E.A. Johnson & Company, 1886).

Warren D. Crandall and Isaac D. Newell. History of the Ram Fleet and the Mississippi Marine Brigade in the War for the Union on the Mississippi and Its Tributaries: The Story of the Ellets and Their Men (St. Louis, MO: Society of Survivors, 1907).

Q.A. Gillmore. Engineer and Artillery Operations Against the Defences of Charleston Harbor in 1863; Comprising the Descent Upon Morris Island, the Demolition of Fort Sumter, the Reduction of Forts Wagner and Gregg (New York, NY: D. Van Nostrand, 1865).

E.J. Huling. Reminiscences of Gunboat Life in the Mississippi Squadron (Saratoga Springs, NY: Sentinel Print, 1881).

U.P. Levy. Manual of Internal Rules and Regulations for Men-of-War, Second Edition (New York, NY: D. Van Nostrand, 1862).

M.S. Thompson, Compiler. General Orders and Circulars Issued by the Navy Department  from 1863 to 1887, with an Alphabetical Index of Subjects; also an Index of Bureau and Marine Corps Circulars, General Court-Martial Orders, and Special Death Notices (Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1887).

Robert Means Thompson and Richard Wainwright, Editors. Confidential Correspondence of Gustavus Vasa Fox, Assistant Secretary of the Navy 1861-1865, Volume I (New York, NY: De Vinne Press, 1918).

Robert Means Thompson and Richard Wainwright, Editors. Confidential Correspondence of Gustavus Vasa Fox, Assistant Secretary of the Navy 1861-1865, Volume II (New York, NY: De Vinne Press, 1919).

Alfred T. Mahan. From Sail to Steam: Recollections of Naval Life (New York, NY: Harper & Brothers, 1907).

Edward Chauncey Marshall. History of the United States Naval Academy (New York, NY: D. Van Nostrand, 1862).

Franklin Matthews. Our Navy in Time of War (1861-1898) (New York, NY: D. Appleton and Company, 1899).

Bureau of Navigation, Navy Department, Washington, D.C. Naval Apprentices: Regulations and Routine of Drills, Exercises, and Studies, on Board Apprentice-Vessels (Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1869).

Bureau of Ordnance and Hydrography of the Navy Department. Code of Flotilla and Boat Squadron Signals for the United States Navy (Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1861).

United States Navy Department. Uniform for Officers of the United States Navy, as Prescribed in Regulations for the Uniform of the U.S. Navy, January 28, 1864.

Navy Department. Instructions for the Government of the Medical Officers of the Navy of the United States (Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1864).

Navy Department. Regulations for the Government of the United States Navy, 1865 (Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1865).

B.S. Osbon, Compiler. Hand Book of the United States Navy: Being a Compilation of All the Principal Events in the History of Every Vessel of the United States Navy, From April 1861 to May 1864 (New York, NY: D. Van Nostrand, 1864).

David D. Porter. Incidents and Anecdotes of the Civil War (New York, NY: D. Appleton and Company, 1885).

B.J. Totten, Commander, U.S. Navy. Naval Text-Book and Dictionary for the Use of the Midshipmen of the U.S. Navy (New York, NY: D. Van Nostrand, 1864).

Gideon Welles. Report of the Secretary of the Navy in Relation to Armored Vessels, (Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1864).


Bureau of Ordnance and Hydrography of the Navy Department. Exercises in Small-Arms and Field Artillery: Arranged for the Naval Service (Philadelphia: T.K. and P.G. Collins, 1852).

Lieutenant Edward Barrett, U.S.N., Instructor in Gunnery, Brooklyn Navy Yard. Gunnery Instructions, Simplified for the Volunteer Officers of the U.S. Navy; with Hints to Executive and Other Officers (New York: D. Van Nostrand, 1862).

Lieutenant Edward Simpson, U.S. Navy. A Treatise on Ordnance and Naval Gunnery, Second Edition (New York, NY: D. Van Nostrand, 1862).

J.D. Brandt. Gunnery Catechism, as Applied to the Service of Naval Ordnance, Adapted to the Latest Official Regulations and Approved by the Bureau of Ordnance, Navy Department (New York, NY: D. Van Nostrand, 1864).

Foxhall A. Parker. The Naval Howitzer Ashore (New York, NY: D. Van Nostrand, 1865).

Alexander L. Holley. A Treatise on Ordnance and Armor (New York, NY: D. Van Nostrand, 1865).

Navy Department. Ordnance Instructions for the United States Navy, Fourth Edition (Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1866).

Eugene B. Canfield. Notes on Naval Ordnance of the American Civil War 1861-1865 (Washington, DC: The American Ordnance Association, 1960). [Reproduced with permission from the National Defense Industrial Association, parent successor of the American Ordnance Association]



John M. Batten, M.D. Reminiscences of Two Years in the United States Navy (Lancaster, PA: Inquirer Printing and Publishing Company, 1881).

Frances O. Davenport. On A Man-of-War: A Series of Naval Sketches (Detroit, MI: E.B. Smith & Company, 1878).

Charles H. Davis, U.S.N. Life of Charles Henry Davis: Rear Admiral 1807-1877 (Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin and Company, 1899).

Naval Letters From Captain Percival Drayton, 1861-1865 (New York, NY: New York Public Library, 1906).

Official Dispatches and Letters of Rear Admiral Du Pont, U.S. Navy, 1846-48, 1861-63 (Wilmington, DE: Ferris Bros., 1883).

Loyall Farragut. The Life of David Glasgow Farragut, First Admiral of the United States Navy (New York, NY: D. Appleton and Company, 1891).

Joel Tyler Headley. Farragut and Our Naval Commanders (New York, NY: E.B. Treat & Company, Publishers, 1867).

James Mason Hoppin. Life of Andrew Hull Foote: Rear-Admiral United States Navy (New York, NY: Harper & Brothers, 1874).

Peter C. Luebke, Editor. The Autobiography of Rear-Admiral John A. Dahglren (Washington Navy Yard, DC: Naval History and Heritage Command, 2018).

Captain Alfred Thayer Mahan. From Sail to Steam: Recollections of Naval Life (New York, NY: Harpers & Brothers, 1907).

Rebecca Paulding Meade. Life of Hiram Paulding: Rear-Admiral, U.S.N. (New York, NY: The Baker & Taylor Company, 1910).

Albert Bigelow Paine, Editor. A Sailor of Fortune: Personal Memoirs of Captain B.S. Osbon (New York, NY: The McClure Company, 1906).

Francis P.B. Sands. The Brilliant Career of Lieutenant Roswell H. Lamson, U.S. Navy. MOLLUS Commandery of the District of Columbia War Papers. No. 76. January 6, 1909.

James Russell Soley. Great Commanders: Admiral Porter (New York, NY: D. Appleton and Company, 1903).

I.E. Vail. Three Years on the Blockade: A Naval Experience (New York, NY: The Abbey Press Publishers, 1902).

Henry Walke. Naval Scenes and Reminiscences of the Civil War in the United States (New York, NY: F.R. Reed & Company, 1877).



Regulations for the Uniform & Dress of the Marine Corps of the United States, October 1859, From the original text and drawings in the Quarter Masters’ Department, First Edition (Philadelphia, PA: Charles Desilver, 1859).

Bernard C. Nalty, Truman R. Strobridge, Edwin T. Turnbladh, and Rowland P. Gill. United States Marine Corps Ranks and Grades 1775-1969 (Washington, DC: Historical Division, Headquarters, U.S. Marine Corps, 1970).

See also:

Edward T. Cotham, Jr. The Southern Journey of a Civil War Marine: The Illustrated Note-Book of Henry O. Gusley (Austin, TX: The University of Texas Press, 2009).

Charles H. Cureton and David M. Sullivan. The Civil War Uniforms of the United States Marine Corps: The Regulations of 1859 (San Jose, CA: R. James Bender Publishing, 2009).

Ron Field. American Civil War Marines 1861-65 (Oxford, United Kingdom: Osprey Publishing, 2004).

Christine Friesel. The Boys of Bath: The Civil War Diary of Pvt. Charles Brother, USMC (Bloomington, IN: Charley Brother, LLC, 2021).

Mary P. Livingston. A Civil War Marine at Sea: The Diary of Medal of Honor Recipient Miles M. Oviatt (Shippensburg, PA: White Mane Publishing, 1998).

Wesley Moody and Adrienne Sachse, Editors. The Diary of a Civil War Marine: Private Josiah Gregg (Vancouver, British Columbia: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 2013 and Lanham, MD: The Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group, Inc., 2013).

David M. Sullivan. Marines of the Civil War: The Officers, Honors, Record, and Regulations (Morrisville, NC: Lulu Press, 2019).

David M. Sullivan. The United States Marine Corps in the Civil War—The First Year (Shippensburg, PA: White Mane Publishing Company, Inc., 1997); The Second Year (1997); The Third Year (1998); The Final Year (2000).



Captain W.W. Lester and William J. Bromwell. A Digest of the Military and Naval Laws of the Confederate States (Columbia, SC: Evans and Cogswell, 1864).

Confederate Congress. Proceedings of the Court of Inquiry, Relative to the Fall of New Orleans  (Richmond, VA: R.M. Smith Public Printer, 1864).

Confederate States Navy Department. Register of the Officers of the Confederate Navy, 1862, to February 12, 1862 (Richmond, VA, 1862).

Confederate States Navy Department. Register of the Commissioned and Warrant Officers of the Navy of the Confederate States, To January 1, 1863 (Richmond, VA: MacFarlane & Fergusson, 1862) [Includes Laws of the Navy].

Confederate States Navy Department. Register of the Commissioned and Warrant Officers of the Navy of the Confederate States, To January 1, 1864 (Richmond, VA: MacFarlane & Fergusson, 1864). [Includes List of Officers of the Confederate States Marine Corps and Laws of the Navy]

Confederate States Navy Department. Report of the Secretary of the Navy (Richmond, VA, 1864).

Confederate States of America. Report of Evidence Taken Before a Joint Special Committee of Both Houses of the Confederate Congress, to Investigate the Affairs of the Navy Department (Richmond, VA: George P. Evans & Company, Printers, 1863).

Confederate States of America. Report from the Joint Select Committee to Investigate the Management of the Navy Department (Richmond, VA: Confederate States of America, 1864).

Richard Harwell. Uniform and Dress of the Army and Navy of the Confederate States of America (Philadelphia, PA: Ray Riling, 1960).

John Johnson. The Defense of Charleston Harbor Including Fort Sumter and the Adjacent Islands—1863-1865. (Charleston, SC: Walker, Evans & Cogswell Company, Publishers, 1890).

Laws for the Army and Navy of the Confederate States (Richmond, VA: Ritchie & Dunnavant, 1861).

Stephen R. Mallory. Special Report: Confederate States of America Navy Department, July 18, 1861 (Richmond, VA, 1861).

Signals for the Use of the Navy of the Confederate States, 1861 (Richmond, VA: Enquirer Book and Job Press, 1861).

Navy Department. Regulations for the Navy of the Confederate States 1862 (Richmond, VA: Macfarlane & Fergusson, Printers, 1862).

U.S. Navy Department. Register of Officers of the Confederate States Navy 1861-1865 (Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1931).


Confederate States Navy Department. Ordnance Instructions for the Confederate States Navy, Relating to the Preparation of Vessels of War for Battle, Third Edition (London: Saunders, Otley & Company, 1864).

Eugene B. Canfield. Notes on Naval Ordnance of the American Civil War 1861-1865 (Washington, DC: The American Ordnance Association, 1960). [Reproduced with permission from the National Defense Industrial Association, parent successor of the American Ordnance Association]



W.F. Clayton. A Narrative of the Confederate States Navy (Weldon, NC: Harrell’s Printing House, 1910).

William H. Parker. Seamanship: Prepared as a Text Book for the Midshipmen of the C.S. Navy (Richmond, VA: Macfarlane & Fergusson, Printers, 1864).

See also:

R. Thomas Campbell. Academy on the James: The Confederate Naval School (Shippensburg, PA: Burd Street Press, 1998).

Winston Folk. The Confederate States Naval Academy, U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings, Volume LX, No. 379, September 1934, p 1235-1240.

G. Melvin Herndon. The Confederate States Naval Academy. The Virginia Magazine of History and Biography, Volume 69, No. 3, July 1961, p 300-323.

Hardin B. Littlepage. With the Crew of the Virginia—Part II, Civil War Times Illustrated, Volume XIII, No. 2, May 1974, p 36-43.

Hubbard Taylor Minor, Jr. “I Am Getting A Good Education”: An Unpublished Diary by a Cadet at the Confederate Naval Academy. Civil War Times Illustrated, Volume XIII, No. 7, November 1974, p 24-32.

James H. Rochelle. The Confederate Steamship “Patrick Henry,” Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume XIV, 1886, p 126-136.



George N. Hollins. Autobiography of Commodore George Nicholas Hollis, C.S.A. Maryland Historical Magazine, Volume XXXIV, No. 3, September 1939, p 228-243.

John McKintosh Kell. Recollections of a Naval Life Including the Cruises of the Confederate States Steamers “Sumter” and “Alabama” (Washington, DC: The Neale Company, Publishers, 1900).

James Morris Morgan. Recollections of a Rebel Reefer (Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1917).

William Harwar Parker. Recollections of a Naval Officer 1841-1865 (New York, NY: Charles Scribners’ Sons, 1883).

James Henry Rochelle. Life of Rear Admiral John Randolph Tucker (Washington, DC: The Neale Publishing Company, 1903).



Donald Ray Gardner. “The Confederate Corps of Marines.” Masters Thesis, Memphis State University (Quantico, VA: Marine Corps University History and Museums Division, 1973, Revised 2007).

Michael E. Krivdo. “Marines in Gray: The Birth, Life and Death of the Confederate States Marine Corps.” Masters Thesis, Texas A&M University.

Lucas Peed. “A Peculiar Service: The Chronological Exploits and Evolving Nature of the Confederate States Marine Corps.” Thesis, 2019. Liberty University.

Confederate States Navy Department. Register of the Commissioned and Warrant Officers of the Navy of the Confederate States, To January 1, 1864 (Richmond, VA: MacFarlane & Fergusson, 1864). [Includes List of Officers of the Confederate States Marine Corps and Laws of the Navy]

See also:

Ralph W. Donnelly. Battle Honors and Services of Confederate Marines, Military Affairs, Volume 23, No. 1 (Spring), 1959, p 37-40.

Ralph W. Donnelly. Biographical Sketches of the Commissioned Officers of the Confederate States Marine Corps (Washington, NC: Self-published, Revised Edition, 1983).

Ralph W. Donnelly. The Confederate States Marine Corps (Shippensburg, PA: White Mane Publishing Company, Inc., 1989).

Ralph W. Donnelly. Service Records of Confederate Enlisted Marines (Washington, NC: Self-published, 1979).

Robert J. Driver Jr. Confederate Sailors, Marines, and Signalmen from Virginia and Maryland (Westminster, MD: Heritage Books, 2007).

Ron Field. American Civil War Marines 1861-65 (Oxford, United Kingdom: Osprey Publishing, 2004).

Michael E. Krivdo. Confederate Marine Corps Recruiting in New Orleans and Marine Activities in the First Year of the Civil War. Louisiana History: The Journal of the Louisiana Historical Association, Volume 48, No. 4 (Fall 2007), p 441-446.

Alan P. Marion. Marines for the Confederacy, Civil War Times Illustrated, Volume XVII, No. 7, November 1978, p 28-36.

David M. Sullivan. Marines of the Civil War: The Officers, Honors, Record, and Regulations (Morrisville, NC: Lulu Press, 2019).

David M. Sullivan. The Marines. In: William N. Still, Jr., Editor. The Confederate Navy: The Ships, Men and Organization, 1861-65 (London: Conway Maritime Press, 1997), p 147-174.



Emma Martin Maffitt. The Life and Services of John Newland Maffitt (New York, NY: The Neale Publishing Company, 1906).

Hobart Pasha. Sketches from My Life (New York, NY: D. Appleton and Company, 1887).

James Sprunt. Derelicts (Baltimore, MD: The Lord Baltimore Press, 1920).

James Sprunt. Chronicles of the Cape Fear River 1660-1916 Raleigh, NC: Edwards & Broughton Printing Co., 1916, Second Edition).

Thomas E. Taylor. Running the Blockade: A Personal Narrative of Adventures, Risks, and Escapes During the American Civil War (London: John Murray, 1896).

William Watson. The Adventures of a Blockade ‘Runner’; or Trade in Time of War (New York, NY: Macmillan & Company, 1893).

John Wilkinson. The Narrative of a Blockade-Runner (New York, NY: Sheldon & Company, 1877).

See also (under copyright or available online):

Colin Carlin. Captain James Carlin (Columbia, SC: The University of South Carolina Press, 2017).

Dawson Carr. Gray Phantoms of the Cape Fear: Running the Civil War Blockade (Winston-Salem, NC: John F. Blair, Publisher, 1998).

Robert Carse. Blockade: The Civil War at Sea ((New York, NY: Rinehart & Company, 1958).

Hamilton Cochran. Blockade Runners of the Confederacy (Indianapolis, IN: The Bobbs-Merrill Company, Inc, 1958).

Eric J. Graham. Clyde Built: Blockade Runners, Cruisers and Armoured Rams of the American Civil War (Edinburgh, UK: Birlinn, Ltd., 2006).]

Morris H. Ludington. Postal History of Blockade Running Through Bermuda, 1861-1865 (Lilburn, GA: British Caribbean Philatelic Study Group, 1996).

Jim McNeil. Masters of the Shoals: Gales of the Cape Fear Pilots Who Ran the Union Blockade (Boston, MA: Da Capo Press, Inc., 2003).

Gerald Reading Powell, Matthew C. Cordon, J. Barto Arnold. Civil War Blockade-runners: Prize Claims and the Historical Record, Including Denbigh’s Court Documents (College Station, TX: Institute of Nautical Archaeology, 2012).

Marcus W. Price. Ships that Tested the Blockade of the Carolina Ports, 1861-1865. The American Neptune, Volume VIII, No. 2, p 196-241, April 1948. [available at]

Marcus W. Price. Blockade Running as a Business in South Carolina During the War between the States, 1861-1865. The American Neptune, Volume IX, No. 1, p 31-62, January 1949. [available at]

Marcus W. Price. Ships That Tested the Blockade of the Gulf Ports. The American Neptune, Volume XI, No. 4, p 262-290, October 1951. [available at]

Marcus W. Price. Ships That Tested the Blockade of the Gulf Ports, Part II. The American Neptune, Volume XII, No. 1, p 52-59, January 1952. [available at]

Marcus W. Price. Ships That Tested the Blockade of the Gulf Ports, Part III. The American Neptune, Volume XII, No. 2, p 154-161, April 1952. [available at]

Marcus W. Price. Ships That Tested the Blockade of the Gulf Ports, Part IV. The American Neptune, Volume XII, No. 1, p 229-238, July 1952. [available at]

Marcus W. Price. Ships That Tested the Blockade of the Georgia and East Florida Ports. The American Neptune, Volume XV, No. 2, p 97-132, April 1955. [available at]

Robert Thorp. Mersey Built: The Role of Merseyside in the American Civil War (Wilmington, DE: Vernon Press, 2017).

Frank E. Vandiver. Confederate Blockade Running Through Bermuda 1861-1865: Letters and Cargo Manifests (Austin, TX: The University of Texas Press, 1948).

Glen A. Wiche, Editor. Dispatches from Bermuda: The Civil War Letters of Charles Maxwell Allen, United States Consul at Bermuda, 1861-1888 (Columbia, SC: University of South Carolina Press, 1988).

Stephen R. Wise. Lifeline of the Confederacy: Blockade Running During the Civil War (Columbia, SC: University of South Carolina Press, 1988).



George Townley Fullam. The Cruise of the “Alabama’: From Her Departure from Liverpool Until Her Arrival at the Cape of Good Hope (Liverpool, England: Lea and Nightingale, 1863).

Cornelius E. Hunt. The Shenandoah; Or The Last Confederate Cruiser (New York, NY: G.W. Carleton & Company Publishers, 1867; Reprinted New York, NY: William Abbott, 1910).

Colyer Meriwether. Raphael Semmes (Philadelphia, PA: George W. Jacobs & Company, Publishers, 1913).

Raphael Semmes. Memoirs of Service Afloat; During the War Between the States (Baltimore, MD: Kelly, Piet & Company, 1869).

Arthur Sinclair. Two Years on the Alabama (Boston, MA: Lee and Shepard Publishers, 1896).



Cairo and Mound City Naval Station

Charleston Naval Station, 1861-1865

New York Navy Yard

Richmond, Virginia, 1861-1865.



Frank Leslie’s Illustrated Newspaper: Civil War Naval Illustrations

Frank Leslie’s Illustrated Newspaper: Civil War Naval Cartoons

Harper’s Weekly: Civil War Naval Cartoons

Harper’s Weekly: Civil War Naval Illustrations

New York Illustrated News: Civil War Naval Illustrations



C.E.H. Bonwill: ‘Special Artist’ for Leslie’s

William T. Crane: ‘Special Artist’ for Leslie’s

Henri H. Lovie: ‘Special Artist’ for Leslie’s

Arthur Lumley: ‘Special Artist’ for Leslie’s and NYIN

Bradley Sillick Osbon: Sailor-Journalist-‘Special Artist’ for Harper’s

Francis (Frank) Henry Schell: ‘Special Artist’ for Leslie’s

Frederic (Fred.) B. Schell: ‘Special Artist’ for Leslie’s

Alexander Simplot: ‘Special Artist” for Harper’s

Isaac Walton Taber: Century’s Civil War Illustrator

Herbert E. Valentine: Soldier-Illustrator

Frank Vizetelly: ‘Special Artist’ for The London Illustrated News

William Waud: ‘Special Artist’ for Leslie’s and Harper’s

Robert Fulton Weir: Sailor-‘Artist’ for Harper’s